Friday, July 17, 2009

SLAM Magazine

I love satire and I adore irony so when I stumbled across the SLAM Magazine site recently I was interested. It seems it is a 'hoist by their own petard' site and that appeals to me in a curious way.*

One of the first articles that struck me was one where the subject of the article, glitterati poses, and it's posemaker, the avatar Katey Coppola had been involved in publicly defacing a competitor's entry in a photo competition. Glitterati and Coppola are an avatar representation of a natural person and his/her business based in a social networking site, Second Life.

The appeal of this article was that the admissions and the pictures of the defacement were in the offenders own words and pictures as posted publicly on the Internet by the offender herself.

The really intriguing aspect though, was reading the comments, I suspect from the offender or cohorts under a 'nom de plume stating, offender's 'side' was not represented - yet the total article was the offender and cohorts own words!

The irony of this did not escape me.


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